Home Schooling

Learn more about Virmani Home Schooling

Home Schooling

We at VIRMANI HOME SCHOOLING undertake Home Schooling with Parents Participation...

Home Schooling or Home education is an age-old concept. It is the education of school-aged children at home or places other than tradition schools. This education system follows more personalised and tailored learning methods, also the curriculum may differ from typical education systems. Before the school education was mandated, most of the education used to be done at home or in local communities. The school education system has evolved significantly in last century but there are many inefficiencies and does not consider the special needs and preferences of most children.

There are number of reasons why students and parents would like to opt for home education, it ranges from different interests, health, disbelief/ dissatisfaction, child needs, not able to cope up the pressure or bullying etc. Whatever may be the reasons, home schooling is indeed an alternative medium to educate our children keeping their needs and interest at the centre.

Home schooling is more than basic education…

Home Schooling

“Home Schooling” or “Home Education” is a form of education that happens at home or outside school environment with relaxed and relevant curriculum by keeping the focus on child’s needs and interests. The focus of home schooling is essentially to provide basic education in an environment which is conducive and meaningful. Besides usual subjects, home schooling enables and encourages practical learnings with real-life experiences. It also takes lot of competitive pressure away and allow the child to learn at his or her own pace. The participation of parents, teachers and others are critical for the overall success.

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The “Home Schooling” advantage

As said before, the formal education has lot of inefficiencies and does not cater the needs and interest of an individual. While there have been improvements in last decades but that has caused other issues, as the focus is even less on practical life-learnings and hence the quality of education has suffered. Home Schooling on the other hand bridges those gaps and provide a more holistic learning environment and opportunity. Some of the advantages are:

  • Personalised curriculum in consultation with the parents and child
  • Practical learning environment, learning by doing, deductive learning methods
  • Focus is on learning instead of exams, scores and, competition leading to strong foundation
  • Allows flexible schedule to invest time in other activities or interests like sports, creative crafts and so on.
  • Encourages behaviour towards excellence, focus on quality than quantity
  • Special needs and health concerns can easily be addressed.

Gaps must be addressed

Despite having advantages, home schooling setup needs to bridge major gaps especially in terms of perception. There have been lot of criticism around many factors such as

  • Social contact skills
  • Parents not able to invest time or have the necessary know-how
  • Missing out on culture, worldviews,
  • Understanding diversity
  • Comprehensive and neutral education and
  • Other behavioural concerns in terms of dealing with other students, teachers, and society at large.

Like we mentioned, these are more perception gaps which can easily be taken care of with right setup, parents’ participation, by employing meaningful learning methods.


NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) provides a perfect platform to support home-schooling. It allows students to not only have basic education but also major qualifications like class 10th and 12th. NIOS offers wide range of subjects and options to choose from. What is even more interesting is that NIOS has started to offer vocational courses and training which are far more meaningful for our children than typical formal education.

We are here to help

We at Virmani Home Schooling specialises in this and perfected our setup over a period of last many years. We understand the needs of parents and children, so we have developed practical learning methods that goes beyond classroom teaching, partnerships, and forums to maximize the participation & learning opportunities for everyone.

It is essential to understand the needs and interest of the children before opting for home education. Hence, we start with series of counselling and consultation session both with parents and the aspirant. This helps us not only to understand what the child wants to do but also the insights in terms of speed, gaps, IQ, areas of primary and secondary interests, social behaviour and so much more. This is the most critical piece of the puzzle to solve. Afterwards we create customised and personalised learning path to enable their growth and help them thrive in future.

We have students with different background and needs, they are largely categorised in the following 3 cohorts:

  • Children interested/ engaged in doing full time sports and want to build their future there. We run special weekend batches for this group of students.
  • Slow learners and/ or school dropout – Students in this cohort needs not only basic education but also the special needs are to be addressed. We take care of all of that.
  • Third group focuses on maximising the student potential and take it to the next level by engaging in skill development, personality development, practical learnings, outdoor visits (e.g., Nature visits, Hiking, going to places of interests and learnings like Museums etc.) and so much more.

Are you Interested? Do you have questions? Want to know more? Have an idea? – Don’t hold yourself, contact us now!